Bill Smith / CC
Riverview High School is closed again today, and students will continue their at home learning. This is day four of the closure after a COVID-19 case was reported last week.
Dear Royals and Families, This is a quick message to let you know that students will continue their at-home distance…
Posted by RHS 2020-2021 on Monday, January 25, 2021
Caledonia Regional School is also closed again today. Students in grades 6 through 12 are following their Learning at a a Distance Plan.
Edith Cavell School is also closed again today. The first case of COVID-19 at the school was reported on January 12th. Students there will also be continuing their Distance learning plan today.
Dear families of students attending Edith Cavell School and TESS,Public Health has advised us that contact tracing has…
Posted by Edith Cavell School on Friday, January 22, 2021