Men have dominated the sport of boxing in the past, but things are changing.
A boxercise class in Dieppe is peaking the interest of women in and around Greater Moncton.
Carron Moore calls herself a Ladies Boxercise Coach. She teaches out of the Don’t Blink Boxing Club.
It is a class specifically designed for women, “Boxing is probably one of the best cardiovascular exercises that anyone can do. I think that many women are starting to discover that you don’t necessarily need to “Get hit to get fit”. Taking advantage of the benefit of advantages of a boxing program is easy and fun.”
Moore says she has participants of all shapes and sizes.
“We have people who are very comfortable with boxing gloves on and people who have never looked at a boxing ring in their life. Learning how to punch is pretty basic, and we take it step by step,” Moore says.
The class runs three times a week, and currently Moore has up to twelve participants at a time, many of them who are moms.
Moore says, “We had a number of the ladies when the program started who were concerned with boxing in a club with a bunch of men, who were already boxers or who had some skill under their belt. So we started the ladies program, so it is just us women in the club at the time.”
For more information, visit HERE