Greater Moncton residents are being encouraged to participate in a walkathon on the Coldest Night of the Year for the homeless, hungry and hurting youth in the community.
Hundreds are expected on Saturday night (February 23) to help raise money for Youth Impact and its programs which serve clients from 16 to 24 years old.
Youth Impact executive director Mel Kennah says homelessness can be a complex and scary situation.
“Imagine what it would be like if you were asking yourself, I wonder if I’m going to have a bed to sleep in tonight and if I do, am I going to be safe? And am I going to have a bed to sleep in next week?”
The family-friendly event has a fundraising goal this year of $100,000.
The walk will begin and end at the Moncton Lions Club on Saturday night with registration at 4pm and the event starts at 5pm.
For more details, click HERE