One of the things missing from the landscape in the Town of Riverview is a hotel.
City officials say a study is being done to determine whether one would be viable.
“The town’s Commercial Market Threshold study that was executed at the end of 2023 kind of identified tourism accommodations as a potential sector for consideration. That study surveyed about 1800 residents, which equates to one in 20 residents approximately. It told us that this sector might have potential if we properly evaluate the landscape,” Says Economic Development Manager Shanel Akerley.
She says that based on the size of the community, the study showed that it has the market size to support overnight accommodation, but they need to dig a bit deeper.
“There’s an opportunity there, but we need to hone in and figure out why it hasn’t happened yet. What is the right opportunity, what is the right accommodation type and what are the segments we should be targeting to make sure that it’s a venture that’s successful?” Akerley adds.
She says they are evaluating a hotel study and hope to have the results early this year.
Mayor Andrew Leblanc feels there is a strong case to be made for other forms of hospitality in the town of Riverview.
“Especially once we see some of the commercial growth that we’re potentially looking at, and when you factor in all the new residential growth and then the Recreation Complex as well. We’re in a prime location as the gateway to Fundy, and I think there’s there’s just opportunity that hasn’t been capitalized on yet.”