There are increases across the board for fuel prices again this week, but the changes are so small, that they most likely won’t be noticed.
The maximum cost for regular self-serve is up 0.3 cents a litre to around $1.61.
Diesel rose by half a cent to a maximum of $1.78, while furnace oil prices jumped by 0.9 cents a litre to $1.47.
In Nova Scotia, regular self-serve ranges from $1.57 to $1.61 per litre while diesel is selling for between $1.73 and $1.75 per litre.
On Prince Edward Island, the price for regular self-serve is around $1.60 per litre, diesel costs around $1.80 per litre and home heating oil is selling for a maximum of $1.22 per litre.
The New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board adjusts prices every Friday at 12:01 a.m.