Ottawa is helping to spur much-needed housing development in Riverview.
The town will receive more than $4.9 million through the Housing Accelerator Fund.
Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe MP Ginette Petitpas Taylor made the announcement on Monday.
“These actions will help fast-track 137 new homes over the next three years here in Riverview,” said Petitpas Taylor, adding the work will spur the construction of 456 homes over the next decade.
Riverview’s action plan commits to eight local initiatives, which include reducing parking requirements in specific zones, increasing maximum building heights in targeted areas, and creating incentive programs that encourage multi-family residences, higher density, and more affordable housing options.
Mayor Andrew LeBlanc said the the funding is much-needed as the town continues to experience rapid growth.
“With our most recent vacancy rate standing at only 0.7 per cent, we need more diverse housing types here in Riverview and we’re committed to completing the necessary action items to meet the demand,” said LeBlanc.
The mayor said housing is an important issue for the town and remains a top priority for council.