Work to repair erosion damage will be carried out along the Petitcodiac River this summer at Moncton’s Bore Park.
Moncton City Council has awarded a tender to Modern Construction Ltd. for almost $826,000.
City Director of Parks Dan Hicks told Council this should not be an ongoing issue.
“We hope the degradation subsides after this work is complete because that would complete the armour reinforcement of the banks of the river. So we hope that this particular type of concern is no longer going forward,” noted Hicks.
The Trans Canada Trail Commission will be contributing $150,000 toward the project.
The work will affect users of the Riverfront Trail.
“There will be pedestrian detours to get around the site. However, we will strive to maintain doing platforms at Bore Park so that people can still enjoy the river albeit from a bit of a distance,” said Hicks.
Repairs are expected to begin later this month and the work is due to wrap up in August.