The jackpot just keeps on growing.
Food Depot Alimentaire Spokesperson Donna Eagles says the 50/50 draw is now over $250, 000.
“That pot has jumped, so when the winner gets 50 per cent of that jackpot, it is going to a lovely Christmas for someone.”
The funds from the 50/50 draw are used to purchase food as well as operational costs.
Since it launched nine years ago, it has given back in winnings over $5.3 million
Tickets can be purchased at some convenience stores, as well as online.
The draw is today at 1pm.ore details can be found at
IT’S DRAW DAY! AND A BIG ONE!!! The FOOD DEPOT WEEKLY 5050 GOLDRUSH (Event 260) JACKPOT is at $240,000 and climbing!!! Drawtime is 1:00pm TODAY. Get your tickets online at or one of our selling locations. Details at Thank-you!
— FoodDepotAlimentaire (@FoodDepotA) December 22, 2021