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It has been over two years since the Moncton Wildcats made their move to the Avenir Centre leaving the Moncton Coliseum ice surface used mostly in a community capacity.
Moncton City Council decided in 2018 that the ice would be maintained until another report was presented and the time has come.
City staff presented an ice analysis report to the council with four possible scenarios for the future of the Coliseum.
It included an option that would keep much of the property status quo but still creates nearly $17 million in capital costs over the next 20 years.
Scenario’s 2-4 excluded any ice and in the case of 3 and 4, the Coliseum would be demolished.
Replacing the ice with a new arena was not an option according to the Manager of Venues Shane Porter.
“To spend millions of dollars to make it a little more functional probably isn’t the best use of dollars,” said Porter.
The ice surface has resulted in net revenue losses since it began operating without a major tenant. However, since the 2017/2018 season, the losses have been reduced by over $175 000.
Porter pointed out that the facility is still being used regularly with over 1000 hours worth of ice rentals.
Net operating costs are set to increase for the scenarios that don’t include an ice surface. The Coliseum pays a reduced Property Tax due to exemptions for ice surfaces.
No official decision for the Coliseum has been made, but it will be a topic for future city council meetings.
Moncton City Council approved the recommendation presented “That Moncton City Council support the long term operation of the ice surface at the Moncton Coliseum and that the capital plan for the overall complex be brought forward to council during future budget deliberations.”