(Photos: Town of RIverview, City of Moncton, City of Dieppe)
New Brunswickers will head to the polls on May 11th for municipal elections.
We wanted to find out if the Mayors from the Tri-Communities plan on running again.
Riverview Mayor Ann Seamans was the only one who could really give us a definitive answer, “There is a municipal election in 2020 and I will be reoffering as Mayor.”
If she is successfully re-elected, this will be her third term.
Councillor at Large Tammy Rampersaud has also announced publicly, she will be running for Mayor in Riverview as well.
Seamans says with the federal election being held last year, she planned to wait to start her campaigning,”I feel people need a little bit of a break from elections for a few months and I will hit the trail early in the New Year.”
Moncton Mayor Dawn Arnold and Dieppe Mayor Yvon Lapierre are expected to have more to say about their plans some time this month.