If you catch a glimpse of the moon on Sunday night, it will look different than it normally does.
The moon, earth and the sun will align, creating a total lunar eclipse.
Co-Founder of Astronomy Moncton Emile Cormier says you’ll begin to notice the changes as the moon starts to dim at around 10:30 tonight, “Before the eclipse begins, it will appear as a full moon, a bright full moon. You won’t see many stars. As it moves into a total lunar eclipse, because the moon gets dimmer, you’ll start to notice more stars and the milky way will show up.”
This eclipse will also be a super blood wolf moon as well, “As the moon passes into the umbra, which is the shadow of the earth, it will start to take on a reddish hue. That is due to the sun’s rays illuminating the earth, the atmosphere, and the rays being refracted and those rays will illuminate the moon,” Cormier says.
If you are able to see this special event tonight, despite stormy conditions, take advantage. There won’t be a chance for another one until 2022.