Mid-life upgrades are expected to extend the life Harrison Trimble by over 30 years.
Principal Tami Van Wart says they are necessary upgrades with the population of the school growing so quickly, “Currently we have 853 students, but our population is certainly growing, with the growth of the North end. Next year, we are scheduled to have approximately 940 students.”
Van Wart says some of the upgrades that will be done in the first phase are renovations to the staff and student parking lot, bathrooms, cafeteria and the auditorium..
She says the next two phases will also include upgrades, that will benefit all students, in what they are learning, “We have a wonderful construction trades program, which is actually going to be in phase three, we are getting a new welding shop, and fashion tech which will be done next summer.”
The school will also see renovations to its science and culinary classrooms.